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Book Review- Get It Done

I was asked by TCK Publishing to read & write a review on Michael Mackintosh’s book “Get It Done: The 21 Day Mind Hack System to Double Your Productivity and Finish What You Start”. Although this book isn’t the first to ever be written on productivity, it is a very easy read that offers great quotes and action plans to hold yourself accountable.

Mackintosh dives into the many things that often hold us back from completing goals; fears, resistance, and perfectionism. The book really did land in my lap at a perfect time. I just finished some public speaking endeavors, and would beat myself up with self-doubt. While being front stage and center is not enjoyed nor my area of expertise, it goes along with writing books and promoting your work. I had to let go of the fears, resistance, and search of perfectionism and focus on the most important thing- getting my message into the hands of those who need it.

Prior to starting your 21 day challenge, you should read the book thoroughly, set up your plan, and fill in the action lists provided at the end of the book. I have many things I would like to see come to completion by next month, so I intend on using Mackintosh’s principles.

“The Hero’s journey is about letting go of who you were yesterday and discovering who you really are and what you’re really capable of achieving now-today.” - Michael Mackintosh