The Day We Plant the Seed...



As a devoted practitioner of personal development, I’ve provided tools to individuals that were eager to embark on their spiritual growth journey and have seen countless valuable transformations that have happened with their mental mindset.

The journey is infinite. It takes daily practice and unwavering faith. This is where I see most people get derailed.  

We adhere to our morning affirmations and evening gratitude journaling, but when something doesn’t happen, we allow doubt to creep in and retreat back to our old mindset because that is the easy way to live. It takes strength to maintain control of your mind and habits.


One thing I know for certain, the universe always provides what is right for you at the right moment.


The Game of Life and How to Play It by Florence Scovel Shinn was originally published in 1925. Now approaching almost 100 years later, this is a reminder that the laws of life have and always will simply be, your thoughts become things; in both lack or abundance.


Below are some excerpts from Shinn’s book that serve as an important reminder, and these concepts have been the foundation of religion and new age thought.


“Nothing stands between man and his highest ideals and every desire of his heart, but doubt and fear. When man can ‘wish without worrying,’ every desire will be instantly fulfilled.”

Truly feel with every ounce of your being that your desires will manifest. Similarly to purchasing an order on Amazon, you pick what you want and place your order, knowing it will arrive shortly. You do not check every single day to see if your order has been processed, so do not do that when ordering from the Universe.


“If one asks for success and prepares for failure, he will get the situation he has prepared for.”

 Unless you think and truly believe you are worthy to receive what you have asked for, it will not come to fruition.


“Man must prepare for the thing he has asked for, when there isn’t the slightest sign of it in sight.”

 Don’t worry HOW or WHEN it will show up in your life. Just trust wholeheartedly that it will.

Ashton Saldana